
Cracked Eggs and the Empty Tomb {Let's Celebrate}

The Booper had his first egg dyeing experience. He loved it so much when it came down to the last egg he didn't want to stop so that egg was dipped in all the colors and he "worked" on it for 30 minutes. I loved seeing how proud he was of his finished products. I learned a little lesson too. I had been running hot water before I ran the water to put the eggs on to boil. I dropped the eggs in the already hot water and several of them cracked instantly. Tip for next year: Put the eggs in cool water and let them warm up gradually so they don't crack. Fun technique we tried... color on the eggs with a white crayon to make fun designs. At 3 years old the Booper doesn't  really have a gentle touch so several of the eggs were cracked by the time we were finished.Fun times.

Tomorrow morning..after he has pulled all his books and the toy from his basket, and he calms down from his excitement. I plan to curl up with my Booper and read him the Easter story. I will read his children's book I bought him which is told in a way a 3 year old can understand. If he doesn't understand anything else this Easter I want him to know Jesus loves him. The bunny, eggs, chocolates and all the goodies are fun, but Easter is about a cross and a Savior who died for the sins of the world. He was buried in a tomb, but He didn't stay there. He is Risen! He is Alive! He paid the debt we owed for our sins. This Easter let's celebrate victory over death, hell and the grave. Thank you, Jesus.

Happy Easter!

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