
Robby Wash Laundry Ball {review and giveaway}

I received this product free for the purpose of review, all views and opinions are my own honest evaluations. See Disclosure.
The never ending battle.
It's a never ending battle to try and beat the piles of dirty laundry in my house. I just try to stay one step ahead of the game. I rarely get the feeling of being caught up with my family's laundry. I laugh when I hear people talk about laundry day, because in our house that's every day. With all the clothes I wash every week we breeze through a bottle of detergent like nothing. When Oransi contacted me about reviewing one of their products I jumped at the chance to review the Robby Wash Laundry Ball.

My thinking is if I've got to do laundry and obviously I do, then I might as well look for a way to save time and money at it, right? Well that's what appealed to me about the Robby Wash Laundry ball it looked easy. You just toss it in to the washer with your clothing. It looked like a great savings at only $32.95 each for 12 months of washing. All sounds good, so I couldn't wait for it to arrive and put it to the test.

A new ally in the laundry battle.
While I'm not always excited to do the laundry(try never), I was excited the day my Robby Wash Laundry Ball arrived. The simple packaging contained the instructions, ready to use laundry ball, extra packets of macro-molecule beads, and the pre-treater stain stick. Immediately I opened the box snapped a couple pictures then I put the Robby Wash right to work. Since the ball comes pre-loaded with the beads you just toss it in with your clothing and wash like normal. The Blue laundry ball is made for hot or cold loads which is great for our family since I use both settings, but you can also grab the Pink which is used for cold washes only. The cool thing about the Robby Wash is though it's better for the environment and it's hypoallergenic it still has a light fragrance that left my clothes smelling clean and fresh.

Having used the Blue Robby Wash Laundry Ball for a couple weeks now I can say my clothes are still coming out clean and smelling great! The thought of only having to buy this once a year or buying a two-pack just every other year sounds amazing. The cost savings of Robby Wash really are worth it when you consider, you'll never pour in too much, no more running out to buy detergent without a sale. Convenience is huge! I love how easy this is just toss it in and go. The Booper is his fun 3 year old way loves to help me do chores. His new favorite way to help me is getting to toss in the Robby Wash ball. When he hears me start our washing machine he comes running saying, "I'll throw the ball, mommy!". So I have a new ally in my battle against the laundry pile and it's one I plan to keep on my side for a year at a time!

Want to learn more about Robby Wash? Watch this fun video that might explain it better than I did.

For more of the latest news and up to date product information be sure to follow Oransi on Facebook.

Are you excited about what you've learned and want to try a Robby Wash Laundry Ball for yourself? Oransi has generously offered to give one of my readers a Robby Wash of their own! Enter below! 

Open to readers in the US, 18 years and older. Just use the simple rafflecopter. Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Mommy Island is not responsible for prize shipment. See Disclosure.


  1. I hate just about everything when it comes to laundry. It just seems to NEVER end, I can never get totally caught up. I often turn the dryer back on just to buy myself more time than dealing with folding and putting away the clothes. :)

  2. I don't mind doing laundry, folding it and putting it away, I do however hate going downstairs to do it. I need a laundry shoot. AND I always turn the dryer back on, when my husband does laundry, which is most of the time, he is really good about not doing that.

  3. Unfortunately I have to turn my dryer back on because it never dries the clothes on the first run!! I can't stand it cause sometimes I forget to go in there and run it again and the clothes end up sitting in the dryer still damp and starting to smell! So sometimes I have to put them back in the washer to do it all over again! Ugh!! But it would be nice to not have to worry about laundry detergent!!

  4. My least favorite thing is folding and putting the clothes away and I have been guilting of using the dryer for fluff on occasion

  5. I hate folding! lol & yes! I have been guilty of turning the dryer back on. LOL =)

  6. The only thing i hate about doing the laundry is folding the clothes . Yes i am guilty of turning the dryer back on lol i also will hang the clothes up on hangers so i dont have to fold lol

  7. I like clean clothes and yep I do hit the dryer button so I don't have to fold! thanks

  8. I like clean clothes and I do hit the dryer button to avoid folding.thanks

  9. I've seen a lot of positive reviews on these. Thanks

  10. I hate that as soon as I get done with a load of laundry, there are clothes in the dirty hamper again! Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. Folding the clothes! And yes..also the washer :D

  12. I never turn the dryer back on, and the least thing I like about washing is the time it takes.

  13. I hate's the worst part about laundry. I never turn the dryer back on, my washer and dryer are in the much of a pain in the butt.

  14. My husband does the laundry here, he says I always mess it up

  15. I hate having to stain treat things, then hang them to dry so that if the stain didn't come out, I don't set it with the dryer. My washer takes an hour (at least) per load- so annoying- and it gets off balance way too often GRRR!

  16. I don't mind so much doing the laundry it's getting my daughter to put her things away that makes the process frustrating. Yes I have on occasion turned the dryer back on not only to avoid folding but also to make sure the clothes won't be wrinkled & I won't have to iron

  17. I hate finding the mates for socks- Mary Fagans

  18. My worst part of doing laundry is all the folding and putting away! And yes I dont wannna admit but i do turn the dryer back on everyonce in awhile@

  19. The worst part for me is having to carry it downstairs to wash, upstairs to hang out to dry and inside to put away.thank you.

  20. I hate that laundry is never-ending.
    I often re-fluff by turning the dryer back on.
    Angelique Fabozzi

  21. I hate touching underwear and socks. I hate folding. And, yes I do turn the dryer back on.

  22. Just so much laundry to do! I have to turn the dryer back on just because I forget that I have luandry in there and now I have to freshen it up. ;)

  23. It NEVER ends!!! I definitely use the dryer again.

  24. I like to hear clothes wash and dryer noises, too!

  25. I think sorting and gathering the dirty items is worst part.

  26. Even though I LOVE to do laundry (honestly), i DO turn the dryer back on to buy myself some time! lol

  27. My washer and dryer are downstairs, and I hate the climbing up and down the stairs. And yes I have been known to turn the dryer back on. I don't iron! lol Thanks for the giveaway! :-)

  28. i do sometimes lol but yea i don't like folding

  29. I have to go to the laundromat so this would help with my least favorite thing: lugging detergent.
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  30. I always hear such great things about the Robby Ball. I wonder if they make one that will do my dishes for me? ;-)

  31. I hate folding! I live in an apartment and have to pay for laundry so I hate that too

  32. my least favorite thing is the fact that mine is never ending...I do 6 or 7 loads a day everyday (large family)

  33. Yes, I do turn the dryer back on. lol I hate washing clothes with grease on them. It's so hard to get it out :(

  34. folding and putting clothes away.. no i dont turn the dryer back on ..

  35. I don't mind the washing part, I really sort of enjoy that. It's the folding and hanging and putting away that I hate. AND yes...I turn my dryer back on, haha! I don't even think I own an iron!

  36. I hate folding the laundry! :)

  37. Thanks for the share! Can this thing also go through the dryer? I am wondering because I have a washer dryer combo and know that I will definitely forget to take this thing out from time to time. Anyone have any input?

    1. Hi Mike, so far I haven't ran my Robby Wash through the dryer yet. The cool foam around the edge of the ball makes it float so it always seems to be on top of our clothes when the wash cycle has finished.
