
Make It A Sweet Summer

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Summer time always reminds me of the sweet cakes I would have on my birthday. Being born a Summer baby I have always enjoyed fun outdoor birthday parties. Growing up I loved having my parties outside because there's nothing quite like having cake and icecream on a hot Summer day with friends and family. I will never forget one of my favorite birthday cakes as a child. It was a strawberry shortcake made with real strawberries. My mom had a fun picture of me licking icing off my fingers and I was wearing about a million bangle bracelets! Remember those? A child of the 80's I have lots of fun memories of my delicious birthday cakes.

 When I was a kid I loved spending time with my grandmother. One of my favorite things to do at Mam's house was to bake goodies in her and Pap's small kitchen. You know I was sitting here thinking about all the times Mam would let me pour in the ingredients and stir the bowl..then lick the spoon and it occurred to me I don't really remember what we actually baked. The cakes, cookies or brownies didn't really matter as much as the time we were spending together. Spending time baking delicious cakes is sweet, but spending time enjoying those sweets with our loved ones is even sweeter.

Take a look below at this fun infographic from Betty Crocker and try making these adorable Ice Cream Cone Cakes for your next party! How fun! A sweet treat and wouldn't kids just love decorating them? I know I would have loved this as a kid...or right now! If you're in the mood for something more classic try these Cookies and Cream Cupcakes or a fun twist how about a  Watermelon Cake? Make the most of your time with loved ones and share fun memories baking sweet treats together.  Have a Sweet Summer! 

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