
VACCeptable Injuries Reader Event

Welcome to the 
"VACCeptable Injuries"  
Reader Review Event! 
May 6-June 1, 2013
Offering you a chance to Read, Review and Enter!
The Mommy Island along with several other fabulous bloggers are happy to bring this event to our readers. An event like no other, we hope to open a dialog on this important topic-Vaccine Related Injuries.
As a parent to the little guy we lovingly call the Booper, we found this book to be very eye-opening. Never before had I even considered the fact that Vaccines could cause injury or harm to my child. This is a great book for parents wanting to make an informed decision on Vaccinating. I'm not a doctor and I'm not giving medical advice, but it's critical to make the choice yourself and not feel forced into a decision by anyone. ~Becky

Author Markus Heinze is so passionate about telling his story that he is sponsoring this event to share his book with everyone. Unlike some events we are offering every person who enters the chance to download "VACCeptable Injuries" for free. Along with a free book, we are offering two great Amazon prizes.

Meet the Author

 Markus Heinze on the reasons for having written VACCeptable Injuries. 
 Medical interventions are difficult decisions, especially when parents have to make these decisions for their little children. Having to choose whether or not to intervene medically is simple if your child is ill and the medical intervention has proven to make your child feel better. If your child is healthy, however, the decision to medically intervene becomes more difficult, especially when the information on the effectiveness of the medical intervention is conflicting and inconclusive. Vaccinating your child (giving shots) is one of those medical interventions. Unfortunately most parents don't even realize that they are making a decision, as they follow blindly the recommendation of their pediatrician. Only parents whose children have been harmed by a vaccine, tend to research the topic of vaccine safety and effectiveness. I am one of those parents. My teachers always told me that there was nothing worse than following blindly, as there are great dangers involved in riding any bandwagon. Once we parents take our seats on the bandwagon, we are no longer leading our families - we are simply fellow passengers along with our children. We are no longer the ones making decisions for our children - we have ceded this important decisions to whomever is riding this particular bandwagon. VACCeptable Injuries will put you back into the drivers seat. Whether or not you decide to vaccinate, this book will help you make an informed choice, rather than a bandwagon decision.

Now you have the opportunity to download VACCeptable Injuries and read Markus Heinze's findings.

VACCeptable Injuries will be available for free download on the following days:

Wednesday, May 8 (12:01 am PST to 11:59 pm PST)
Saturday, May 18 (12:01 am PST to 11:59 pm PST)
Download your free copy of VACCeptable Injuries Here.
Review and $100 Amazon Entry
Once you're read VACCeptable Injuries, please visit Amazon or Goodreads and write a review giving your honest opinions and thoughts. Make sure to include this disclosure statement: "I was given this book for free for the purpose of review, all views and opinions are my own honest evaluations." 
 Please only write a review if you've actually read the book, and follow the disclosure laws.
 If you've read the book, and shared a review on Amazon or Goodreads

Be sure to follow Markus Heinze on facebook for the latest vaccine related news and updates.

As a thank you for your time, please enter for a chance to win the $25 Amazon Gift Code. No purchase necessary, open to readers World Wide, 18 years and older.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Mommy Island is not responsible for prize fulfillment. See Disclosure.


  1. I would like to read this book to expand my knowledge about flu shots and some of it's negative effects on our kids.

  2. The fact that it educates parents about the scientifically-documented risks involved in vaccination.
    Thanks for the giveaway!! =)

  3. It would be interesting to read to know more about the subject

    rafflecopter name nicole krutz

  4. I have wondered about this before and would love to get more details before deciding where I stand.

  5. This is such a controversial subject right now. I would love to hear the data and reasoning that this book shows. When I was young, parents never considered it optional.

  6. would be interesting to learn about and be able to form my own opinion on these matters

  7. I would like to be able to form my own opinion and be more knowledgeable about it
