
Get the Right Gift with Ziftit! {Review and Giveaway}

Thank you Ziftit for sponsoring this post. Eliminate the guesswork and get the right gift, every time with the social gifting platform, Ziftit. Click here to build your Zift List today!

Madame Deals Media and Ziftit have teamed up to bring you this fun event! 

I was given the opportunity to try out Ziftit for myself to share my opinions here with you. I have to admit it's a cool concept. I've had a few bad gift experiences in the past and would have loved if I had my Zift List ready back then. I found the site to be user-friendly I created my Zift List and started adding items right away. When I didn't see things I'm really wanting I simply used the search bar and found them to add to my list. Everything from a laptop to this rocking hot satchel (pictured below) my list started to grow and had more than a few of my favorite things. Whether you're a shoe fanatic about to be a year older or you just got a new place and need some new furniture you can create a Zift List for any life event. When you add a new item to your list you can even post a comment to let gifters know why you love the item or what you plan to use it for. I think this would be great for kids heading off to college, since some people prefer to buy gifts over giving cash. What makes Ziftit unique is you can download their toolbar and add items to your list from any site. Having a baby shower? Create a list of all your favorites in one place! Since it's not all about you, make sure to share with friends so they can create their lists to share with you. Have a big item you'd like buy a friend but can't afford the full price? Ziftit has an amazing 'Pitch in' feature that allows users to give a small amount towards and item on their friend's list. This would work great for family needing to split the cost of a large gift. Cool, right? I thought so too.

About our Sponsor - Ziftit:

Ziftit's mission is to satisfy gift givers and gift recipients by allowing both sides of the gifting process to Get The Right Gift, Every Time.

How Ziftit Works:

Getting Gifts is easy. Use Ziftit's Search Engine, Browser Plugin or their iPhone app to find gifts that please you. Once you have found your gifts, add them to your Zift List. Sounds easy, right? Now you just need to invite your friends so they know exactly what it is you would like to receive. Search for your friends on Ziftit or Invite friends from Facebook, Gmail or through email. Now that you have added your friends, be sure to add occasions that matter to you (your birthday, holidays, etc.) this way your friends know just when they need to purchase the gifts you are interested in.

Ziftit makes it easy for you to give the gifts that your friends and family actually want. Begin by finding and connecting with your friends on Ziftit so that you can access their Zift List. Once you find your friends, visit their Zift List to find all the gifts they want. Once you find the perfect gift, you can buy the gift outright directly from the retailer or pitch in to the gift to split the cost with other gift givers.

Ziftit makes it easy for you to plan and manage Events. It’s great for Birthday Parties, Graduation Parties, Wedding Registries and more! To start, create an invitation that includes all the details so friends can RSVP to let you know if they‘ll make it. Then, set up an Event Zift List so the partygoers know what gifts to get.

The Prize:

Winner will receive a $100 Credit to be used to buy gifts at Ziftit!

The Giveaway will open up on 6/24 12:01 am EST and Close on 6/30 at 11:59 pm EST.

Complete the mandatory entries on the Rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I was selected for this Ziftit opportunity as a member of Madame Deals Media, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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