
Make Your Own Logo for Free!

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When it comes to a group or company nothing helps you make your mark like a unique logo. By having a unique logo you can brand yourself and give people something they recognize as being "you". There are tons of places to have a custom logo designed for you, but buying a logo can be quite expensive and time consuming if you don't know what you're wanting. I know myself that when I was first starting out with blogging I didn't have a clue what look I was going for so this free Online Logo Maker would have been an awesome way for me to "test the waters" on my look. Yes, you read that right. There is a FREE way to create a logo for your site, business or group and no expertise is required! Trust me. I made the logo (pictured above) in a matter of about 2 minutes. No joke.

Another fun example of something I created easily on the Online Logo Maker. Notice how the mood of the logo is completely different with the muted colors? This online logo maker has several graphics to choose from to make your logo or you can upload your own images to use. I had a lot of fun playing with this Free Logo Maker and the really cool part is when you register for your free account all of your projects can be saved, so unlike some editing sites you can come back at any time and finish off where you started. That way you can be sure to create the perfect logo that represents everything you stand for. Choose from different fonts, images and graphics and play with the sizing and colors until it's perfect there is no rush just come back and work on your logo as you see fit. Try out this free online tool and see what you can come up with for your logo. I will definitely be recommending this logo maker to my blogging community. 


  1. Ohhh, I like the new logo, I'll have to check it out.

  2. These are much better looking logos than I've seen at most free sites!

  3. This is a great service and makes cute designs! thanks for sharing!
