
He Read My Mind! Magic Jinn Review

I received this toy free for the purpose of review.
All views and opinions are my own honest evaluations.
The Mommy Island is not responsible for prize fulfillment. See Disclosure.
When it comes to games my family loves them all. We just can't get enough play time whether it's a video game, board game or fun games made for one we have a blast. We have several games that are meant for one player, but we like to sit and watch each other play. I was reading about Magic Jinn from Hasbro, and how this little creature will try to read your mind like magic and I thought we just have to get one! I was thrilled to learn we would receive one for this review. Our Magic Jinn arrived in his fun package and required some batteries. The Booper couldn't wait to get Magic Jinn ready to play!

We received the Magic Jinn featuring the ANIMALS category which works perfectly for our family since the Booper loves animals. This game is made for players ages 6 and up, so the Booper who is only 3 plays with our help. Game play is easy, you just push Magic Jinn's nose to start. Magic Jinn explains the rules, and off you go! First you think of an animal (try to be as wild as possible to stump Magic Jinn) then he will start asking questions. You can answer with, Yes, No, I don't know, or It depends.

Magic Jinn lights up when he talks and he has a mysterious voice that makes it more fun. We've played with him so many times, and we finally found a couple animals that had him stumped. It was awesome to finally win, but even when you lose it's great entertainment for our whole family. Every once in a while Magic Jinn will guess a crazy animal like a Pink Elephant! It caught us off guard the first time he guessed something silly and we all burst out laughing. This is a really fun little toy/game for kids and I can't wait to take it over and let my niece and nephew give it a shot and see if they can out-smart Magic Jinn! Some of the questions Magic Jinn might ask you," Does this animal have more than 4 legs?", "Is this animal dangerous to humans?". Through a series of fun questions he gets closer then when he has it he will offer up his guess,  so he didn't get it the first time? That's alright, he will try again..keep him from guessing your animal and you win!

This is a fun game to get your child thinking more about animals and using their brain power to try and out-smart Magic Jinn! Get ready to be amazed! Coming later this year Magic Jinn featuring a Food and Drink category! Be sure to follow Hasbro on Facebook and Twitter for more fun and games news.

Hasbro is so excited to spread the word about Magic Jinn they want to offer one of my readers the chance to own a Magic Jinn! Enter below on the simple rafflecopter! Open to readers in the US, 18 years and older. Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love all animals and I def think I could stump him :)

  2. I love cats. And i'm not sure if I could stump him, but I would definitely try!

  3. I love all sorts of animals. Growing up Elephants were my favorite. Next was monkeys. Now I love my dog.

  4. Penguins, I don't know if I could stump him... :-)

  5. My favorite animal is a penguin and I am not sure I could stump him. :-)

  6. Kindof freaky and fun all in one. It's Smoke and Mirrors Day...all about magic. I bet the Booper got creative trying to outsmart it.

  7. What can you throw at it today? Asking about the weather? This sounds like a toy the whole family could get involved with playing. Do you ever guess what the jinn will try to guess? It's take a wild guess day.
