
Standing Up! Autographed DVD Giveaway

Do you actively teach your child(ren) to be friendly to Everyone at school? Are you always including people you see who are being excluded? Bullying in today's schools is at an all-time high. What causes a child to think it's alright to pick on another? I'd love to open the discussion for you to share your thoughts on bullying. Please read and sign the Anti-Bully pledge and have a talk with your children and ask them to sign the pledge as well. Make this a topic you bring up often with your children and offer solutions they can use in the real world. Play the fun quiz and enter for a chance to win Standing Up on DVD below.
 Good Luck- and I hope you all take the pledge to stand up against bullying. 

We want to really help create change in our schools and help children to understand they can make a difference. Print this pledge out and give it out to every child you know and ask them to sign and live by it!
Please click on the Anti-Bullying pledge for a printer-friendly download form.

Enter for a chance to win Standing Up on DVD!
Open to readers in the US, 18 years and older. Sorry no PO boxes. 
Use the simple rafflecopter form below. 
Good Luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. You
    to bullies
    of the time!

  2. Commented on Schylling Toys~ My review of the Scuttle Bug!

  3. sounds like an awesome movie
    lori cooper

  4. I got a 93% standing up to bullies. I think they should show this in all middle schools and high schools.

  5. I agree! I think they should start showing it to kids in elementary and perhaps by the time they're in middle school and high school it won't be an issue. Plus character building really starts at home. Hoping parents share this with their kids and start talking about it, so kids know it's ok to ask for help if they see someone being bullied.

  6. You
    to bullies
    of the time!

  7. only got 62% - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  8. i got a 62 percent

    misterjim74 at gmail dot com

  9. I got a 93%. Not too shabby. I'm glad there's more awareness going around. lexbaylor17 (at) gmail (dot) com

  10. I got a 93% wilcarvic
