
Off the Wall Clean with BabyGanics

I received this product free for the purpose of review, all views and opinions are my own honest evaluations. See Disclosure. 

Around our home no surface is safe. The Booper's hand prints seem to end up in the craziest places. If I'm not cleaning toothpaste off the wall or crayon off the table, I'm worried about the germs I can't see. I've even caught myself thinking, "Would this really be safe if he licked this right now?" Who knew you would have to worry about your child licking the wall? Yes, it happens. Strangely, more than you would think. Being a mom it seems I have to worry about the dirt and sometimes about the products I use to clean up the dirt and germs. Using strong or toxic chemicals just to clean a surface the Booper is going to touch again a thousand times seems counter-productive. I want to keep him healthy and safe.

You may remember I've reviewed BabyGanics products in the past, and I was impressed. This time around is no different. I've used this BabyGanics All Purpose Cleaner spray all over my house, but mostly the surfaces the Booper touches often. I've cleaned our kitchen table, kitchen cabinets, door handles, and much more using the BabyGanics' All Purpose Cleaner.

My favorite thing about this BabyGanics cleaner? The scent! Never overbearing or harsh, the light citrus scent is pleasant and I can feel good about the surfaces of our home after using BabyGanics. Like most 3 year olds the Booper loves to help me with chores around our house. He puts the clothes into the dryer for me, he sets the table, and many other small tasks that I ask of him, and he has fun. Before when I would be using cleaners, I would have the Booper leave the room. I didn't want him breathing chemicals or touching anything before I had the chance to wipe it down. Now with BabyGanics I spray the cleaner and I can let him use the cloth to wipe down the surface. He loves to help mommy with everything, and now I'm happy I can let him.
BabyGanics All Purpose Cleaner features:

  • NO Parabens, Sulfates, Phthalates, or Toxins 
  • Specially formulated with plant-based cleaning agents
  • NO toxic residue left behind
Learn more about the BabyGanics product line.

For cleaner surfaces and for a safer clean, I can say I found BabyGanics All Purpose Cleaner to work well around our home, and still leave a pleasant scent without the harsh chemicals. I highly recommend BabyGanics not only parents and caregivers but anyone looking for a safer cleaning product for around the home. Now if you're a parent like me that has had to say the words, "Don't lick the walls!", you can set your mind at ease, that BabyGanics is keeping it clean and safe.

 Be sure to follow BabyGanics on Facebook and Twitter for more product news and promotions.

Enter the Grime Fighting BabyGanics All Purpose Cleaner Giveaway!
Prize: 1-32oz BabyGanics All Purpose Cleaner Spray
Open to readers in the US, 18 years and older. 
Use the simple rafflecopter below. Good Luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Mommy Island is not responsible for prize fulfillment. See Disclosure.


  1. Now that I'm expecting. .....this is something we should look into. I hadn't heard of them before,and they sound like a safe place to get baby cleaners.

  2. I would love to try the BabyGanics Foaming Shampoo & Body Wash. =)

  3. Their foaming shampoo and body wash is a great product I'd also like to try. I'm expecting my first baby this fall, thanks for the opportunity to try this product!


  4. This sounds like it really works!! Safe too! Thank you for this, it isn't easy finding natural products that work and smell that great!
