
They Sang They Danced...

And They All Lived Happily Ever After! 

Disney LIVE came to a city near my home and the Booper and I were given free tickets to attend in exchange for this post. An easy trade for me, I was so excited to get to go see some of my favorite princess stories played out on stage at The Center. We walked in with anticipation for a time of fun and magic and we walked out with our eyes wide with wonder and big smiles all around. This show seemed to draw in a large audience of little girls all decked out in their princess costumes and who could blame them? It's the perfect time of year for dressing up and when you're going to watch other princesses you might as well be one too, right? The Booper was my little prince he didn't dress for the occasion, but when we arrived my mother bought him and my nephew plastic swords from the souvenir stand. (A fact that made the intermission break very interesting for us.)

As beautiful curtains were drawn back there was excitement in the air as Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy all came out to start the show. Of course the loudest cheers came when Mickey stepped on stage. He started the fairy tale story reading from a large book and we were all transported to the story of Snow White. My favorite part of Snow White's story is always the 7 dwarfs and Disney Live was no different. This hard working crew of lovable guys captivated the love of Snow White but also the whole audience too. Next up came Cinderella. We all know her story cruel step mother and step sisters this was a rowdy bunch on stage. I loved the costumes and makeup details given on the step sisters they looked so much like the cartoon!

With help from her friends and her fairy godmother Cinderella made it to the ball! All the costume dresses sparkled and the dancers during this part of the show did a wonderful job, elegant and graceful.

Next up my favorite story and princess- Belle or Beauty and Beast. Would you believe my camera battery went dead? Well it did, I was very frustrated but I caught a couple shots of the singing dishes and forks during one of my favorite songs "Be Our Guest".

Wonderful job by the performers of this number, I loved the guys dancing around with big forks on their backs..hilarious yet dapper!
Lots of fun, but there were a couple moments during the show that scared the Booper like when the Evil Queen turned into the old hag during Snow White's story, and the lightening effects during the Beast and Gaston's battle. I noticed a few spots during the show where the fog was so intense on the stage that you couldn't see the performers, but otherwise the show went off without a hitch. I think the intermission came just in time for the Booper and my nephew as their attention span had just reached it's limit. (Insert some plastic sword fighting here) Then the boys were good for the rest of the show. My only true complaint about the show experience would be the pricing on all the goodies at the souvenir stands. I think most families with more than one child would find it a burden to pay so much. Perhaps if Disney is really all about the kids they might want to bring those prices back down to earth.

I had a great time, and honestly I would go with or without kids. I think a lot of parents that were attending were using their kids as an excuse to be there you could see it in the way their eyes would light up as their favorite princess stepped onto the stage. I look forward to the next time Disney Live is in my town.
Now, I'm off to make my happily ever after come true!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like so much fun! What a great deal. I like that it appealed to you and your child. I'm sure the prices were ridiculous, but I'm glad you were able to go. It's Tell a Fairy Tale Day so maybe you can look back at photos of this and come up with some fairy tales with your family.
