
We Share What's Good Dinosaur Style

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Welch's. I received product samples to facilitate my review, and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.”

Just two days ago our family returned from a highly anticipated vacation to Destin, Florida. While we were there we had lots of family time. We were fortunate to stay in a beautiful condo and have all the amenities of home a full kitchen, a washer and dryer, and a few things we don't have at home like a gorgeous white sandy beach! We took the Booper to several fun places for entertainment. We shot some hoops at a local arcade and I scored the highest score of the day winning one hundred tickets and long time bragging rights (of course). Discovering a local playground off the beaten path the Booper enjoyed playing with the other children, and even cried when boy he'd just met had to go home. Isn't that sweet?

While in the water enjoying the calm waves and watching some small fish swim by our feet I caught movement in the distance from the corner of my eye. I looked up and to my delight we watched as a school of dolphins entertained us by jumping out of the water. A small dolphin perhaps a baby twirled in the air then did a flip landing a huge splash of water. As quickly as the dolphins came they were gone, but it's a sight I'll never forget. I've always loved dolphins and seeing them in the ocean swimming and flipping in the air with wild abandon gives my heart joy. Sharing that brief moment with my husband and the Booper will be a moment we'll treasure.

Of all the exciting and new adventures we had down in Florida I noticed we slipped back to one of our favorite habits from home - family dinosaur time. It seems every evening all three of us end up in bed with the Booper directing us into a game of dinosaurs or sometimes dragons. He loves to huddle under the cover with one of us while the parent that is left out is the angry dinosaur roaring and thrashing about. This fun Dino game inevitably makes the Booper squeal and all of us laugh and have so much fun. While in Destin we had a King sized bed to play our fun family ritual the rules were still the same...anything silly goes! After our fun dinosaur games are over we all like to grab a drink and a snack like a peanut butter and Welch's Grape Jelly sandwich and then settle in for some quiet time. Sharing those silly family moments at home and while we're on vacation is how we Share What's Good -Dinosaur Style.

Welch's realizes that every day family moments like our dinosaur games can be magical, and so they are encouraging families to keep it going with their Share What's Good movement. This campaign is Welch's way of shining a light on the simple pleasures of spending quality time with those you love by capturing those moments and sharing the good! To kick of the Share What's Good campaign, Welch's has started the Share Your Moments photo contest! Starting on 9/16 and running until 10/25 you can upload a photo of your family moment for a chance to win $5,000! While there is only one grand prize, everyone who submits their entry will get a $1.50 coupon for Welch's 100%  Grape Juice or $2.00 if you share the news with your friends and family! For more details and to enter visit Share What's Good.

Enter the Share What's Good contest and be sure to follow Welch's on FacebookTwitter and Instagram.


  1. Such a sweet family time and moment. I like that Welch's celebrated those close family times. It's those little moments that make the best memories. Free and fun and just full of laughter. It's Frugal Fun Day today...hope you do something great as a family.

  2. Cute you have your own special way to celebrate. Dinosaur style. I'm sure things have changed since this, but I hope you are continuing to have family bonding and games. It's National Goof Off Day so do you want to be a dragon or dinosaur?
