
How We Learn: Then Vs Now

I was compensated for this post by Ashley Tutors. See Disclosure. 
Children learn in many different ways and for a long time I've known I'm a hands-on learner. Back when I was in school my teachers used chalkboards, and though teachers still use chalkboards today they also have many other resources in the classroom. I was a kid who struggled with pretty much all of my subjects especially Math. Struggling on into high school I remember when my mom finally broke down and hired a tutor because she couldn't think of any new ways to explain it to me. My tutor was the sweetest lady and she worked so hard to help me understand the concepts, but I was just hitting a wall and it was like I just couldn't get it. One day we were just sitting there and she started just chatting with me about their home construction project, and suddenly she realized how she could apply our conversation to solving a math problem. Once I could visualize it, I understood it.

 Now there are so many amazing resources for teachers and parents, but if you're not an educator you might not know where to begin. Have a look at this fun infographic from which shows the contrast between the resources of then versus now, and remember there's no shame in asking for help. Everyone learns differently and a tutor might offer a new approach that will be just what your child needs to succeed.

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