
Premature Babies At Risk - RSV Prevention

“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for MedImmune.
 I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.”
I'm always disheartened when I read the statistics about how many babies are born prematurely each year and even more so about the health challenges they will face. The Booper (pictured above) was born full term if not a little bit late actually. We were very thankful that he was born healthy and weighed in at a whopping eight pounds and ten ounces. As a first time parent I was like a lot of new parents and I made sure everyone washed their hands and I sanitized everything ten times or more just to be safe. I know as parents we tend to tease other new moms and dads about being overly protective, but in reality it's just good sense.

 Last year my best friend's little girl was hospitalized with (RSV) Respiratory Syncytial Virus. It was very scary to me watching from the outside and seeing my friend's little girl in a baby hospital gown. I'll have to admit from just the very little knowledge I had about RSV I was nervous for them, and their daughter. Thankfully, she came through it and is now healthy. RSV is the leading cause in hospitalization for babies in their first year of life in the US, and the risk goes up for preemies. I know when I found out more about the symptoms I was a bit surprised since I never really knew much about RSV I didn't really know what to look for. 
Know the signs of RSV!  Here are some of the symptoms to watch for:
  • Persistent Coughing or Wheezing
  • Bluish Color Around The Mouth and Fingernails
  • Rapid, Difficult or Rasping Breaths 
  • Fever Over 100.4 
I'm sure every parent is wondering how to prevent their child from getting RSV, just like me I worried about the Booper every moment when he was little, and I still want to keep him safe and healthy. RSV typically occurs between November - March. Think about all the things you touch in a day and all the other people who touch those same things, then how easily sickness can spread. RSV is highly contagious and once it's contracted there is no treatment, so prevention is your baby's ticket to staying healthy.

There are ways to reduce your child's risk. 
  • Wash Their Hands, Your Hands And Ask Others To Do The Same
  • Keep Toys, Clothes, Blankets and Sheets Clean (Don't forget to clean your phone, door knobs, handles and other communal items around your house.) 
  • Teach Older Siblings To Wash Their Hands Throughout The Day With Soap and Warm Water. 
  • Avoid Large Crowds And Gatherings During RSV High-Risk Season
  • Never Smoke Around Your Child
  • Steer Clear Of Friends and Family Who Are Sick or Recently Have Been Sick
Click to download an informational infograph "Know the facts about RSV".The next time you see a new parent requiring everyone to sanitize and wash up to their elbows don't tease them just pat them on the back for doing a good job then re-sanitize! Find more valuable information on how to prevent and spot the signs please visit RSV Prevention . Just my two cents: The next time you're sick don't go out think of mothers shopping with their babies and if at all possible just stay home! 

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