
Easy Cheesy Papa Rellenas Recipe

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One thing my family loves that I always try to keep in the house is potatoes. We all love to eat baked potatoes even the Booper will gobble them up. Trying out Pompeian's Grape Seed Oil all natural cooking spray I fell in love with the fact that I absolutely couldn't tell I was using it. My family can't taste this all natural cooking spray and neither could I. Our favorite foods still had the same great flavors and grape seed oil is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants. I've used this easy spray for baking, sauteing and stir fry. For my home made Easy Cheesy Papa Rellenas I used my Pompeian to prep my skillet for the chicken.

A new family favorite and one of my favorites since they're so easy to make. Papa Rellenas are basically just a stuffed potato, so you might want to alter this recipe to fit your family's taste. To make it our favorite way you will need:
  • Pompeian Grape Seed Oil
  • Chicken (3 Chicken Breast or 8 Tenderloin Strips)
  • 4-5 Potatoes
  • Celery Seed
  • Garlic Powder
  • Butter
  • Colby-Jack Cheese
  • Sour Cream
Wash the potatoes, wrap and put them in the oven on 450. Wait 35-40 minutes to start the chicken. For the chicken start by coating my skillet with grape seed oil, next add the chicken and spices then continue to stir until there is no pink. With two forks shred the chicken. Pull the potatoes out of the oven carefully unwrapping them. Cutting a line down the top then pinch the sides to open up the potato. Spreading butter over the tops (optional). Top with shredded chicken and cheese. Bake for an additional 15 minutes on 400. Plate and serve with sour cream. Additional topping ideas: Salsa, Guacamole, Shredded Lettuce, Tomato, or Chives.

This dish does take some time simply for the potatoes to bake, but it's so easy we will definitely be having this one again! Be sure to like Pompeian on Facebook and grab $1.oo off with this coupon! Fill out this quick survey for a chance to win $200!


  1. This looks and sounds delicious!!!! I am going to add it to our menu this week.

  2. This looks delicious! I would definitely make this at home!

  3. Easy and chicken made me click. I am trying to prepare different meals for the kids but not the best cook out there but am learning. This one I can do and it sounds great.

  4. This looks so good, and is a pretty simple recipe. Thank you for the idea :)

  5. This looks and sounds scrumptious! And I think even I, the cooking challenged, could make this! I didn't even know they made grapeseed oil in a spray...I'm definitely going to have to check it out. Thanks for sharing this information and recipe!

  6. wow this looks greeat, and really different from what we usually have. woiuld love to try it.

  7. This is a great idea, never would have thought of this dish. Thanks!

  8. This dish sounds absolutely yum! I will definitely be trying out this recipe. There's not much better than potatoes and cheese! And I have always wondered how dishes turn out with grapeseed oil.

  9. This looks like a great recipe!

  10. Wow, this looks so delish! I wasn't hungry until I saw this recipe - now my mouth is watering! Will try this for sure! Thank you!

  11. Hmmm.. baked potatoes with chicken and cheese! Can't go wrong! Might have to try this out .. I've got I think 2 bags of potatoes under my sink that need to be used ASAP!

  12. Sounds yummy. I will have to try it out and see if it passes my husband's taste test.

  13. This looks good! I'm pretty sure everyone in my family would like this.

  14. I love potatoes and we will definitely be trying this one! Thanks for the great recipe!

  15. MMMM! If you add green chile to this it would be AMAZING!!

  16. How good looking. I will try to make this soon.

  17. I get so bored and I like trying new recipes. Looks so yummy. I love that these are ingredients that I have on hand thanks for sharing.

  18. Not only does the picture of Easy Cheesy Papa Rellenas look yummy! It also sounds easy to make, and the family would LOVE it. They always love new dishes!

  19. This looks so good! You can never go wrong in our house with cheese! thanks for sharing!

  20. My family is big on baked stuffed potatoes but i never thought to add chicke. We usually use bacon and cheese.

  21. um, yum?!! This looks fantastic! aaand it's pinned ;)

  22. This looks yummy! I just hope the market keeps having potatoes on sale!

  23. These look so yummy! I'm going to try these for sure.

  24. CONNIE SOWARDS commenting: My family loves practically anything that's cheesy and this recipe looks scrumptious and fits the bill :)

  25. I am not a fan of cooking but without it, we would starve! LOL. I am always looking for new and easy recipes. This not only sounds easy but it sounds delish!

  26. This recipe is officially copied and will be on the menu next week. Oh my yum!

  27. This looks really yummy! I'm pinning it to my boards for later.

  28. We love baked potatoes and this makes the dish a little more filling and interesting.

  29. I want to make this right now, it looks so good. Thanks for the awesome recipe!!

  30. This looks so good and since it is easy I just may give it a try. I love anything with cheese.

  31. I have never heard of this before but it sure looks delicious

  32. I have never tried anything like this before, but I bet it is good. My kids would even like this

  33. This wounds great. I will add this my shopping list and see if I can find it :). I want to try this. If not I may live oil.

  34. Oh this looks YUMMY! I will have to try it!

    Thanks for the Post, Pictures, and the Recipe!

  35. This looks amazing! I will definitely have to try it out.

  36. Yummy! I'd add guac for a topping for sure.
    slehan at juno dot com

  37. Another Delicious sounding recipe..We Too love baked potatoes so this recipe is right up our alley~ lol~ The Grape Seed Spray you were using sounds wonderful. I will have to look for it in the store..I pinned your recipe..Thankyou for sharing

  38. I've never made anything like this, but it sounds delicious!

  39. Wow ! does this look good !!! I have never seen spray with grape seed oil, will have to look for it.

  40. This recipe looked so good, I copied it down. I am going to make this tomorrow. I thank you for the share.

  41. That looks absolutely amazing. I love how cheesy it is. Yum!

  42. A good addition to a loaded baked potato. I want guac on mine, and chives, and sour cream, and lots of cheese.

    slehan at juno dot com

  43. (Easy Cheesy Papa Rellenas Recipe) This is something that I would enjoy making for my husband and I some night for dinner.

  44. This looks soooo good to eat!!! I love cheese, so that makes it even better!!

  45. This sounds great and thank you for sharing this yummy recipe.

  46. This really sounds different. Easy and cheesy got me. I haven't tried a recipe quite like this, but it sounds really good. Thanks.

  47. This looks really scrumptious!! Yum, I can't wait to try it out!

  48. Good recipe for a cold winter's night like tonight. Thanks.

    slehan at juno dot com

  49. OH my!! These look absolutely amazing! My exes mother made these all the time except hers had a tomato base!! These looks amazing though!! I will have to try them!!

  50. Now this looks like a recipe my family would really love! I could eat chicken every night. Thanks for the new recipe!

  51. I need this in my life! So delicious!

  52. This would be good on this snowy (Spring?) evening.

    slehan at juno dot com

  53. That dish looks amazing and yes I do love to cook with grapeseed oil, its among a few others that I enjoy cooking with.

  54. Pompeian Grape Seed Oil I have not used this. The recipe looks so good will have to try making it for the family.

  55. This recipe looks great.the picture looks fantastic. I gotta make this

  56. Since I pretty much always have some frozen chicken breasts (I stock up when they are on sale) and of course potatoes, plus everything else, this would make for a fast last-minute dinner. I'll have to try it.

  57. I'm having that for dinner tomorrow. Very yummy.

    slehan at juno dot com

  58. This sounds delicious..I love cheese and potatoes, my family doesnt really eat too much meat, so I would probably try it without the chicken.

  59. It needs some fire roasted peppers on the top.

    slehan at juno dot com

  60. That's a meal in itself! It looks very filling and something my family would enjoy.

  61. Yum! This recipe sounds absolutely delicious! I definitely think that my whole family would love it. :)Thank you so much for sharing!

  62. Potatoes are a staple in my house! I love this recipe! I can't wait to make it for my family. Thanks!

  63. I like that you're able to add in the extra vitamins & antioxidants without changing the flavor.

  64. Such good flavors in this dish.

    slehan at juno dot com

  65. I tried this tonight! It was delicious!

  66. This looks really good. I love how easy it is, something that I should be able to make!

  67. This looks really delicious. I have never made anything like this and it sounds good.

  68. I'd like to know why you added the celery seed?

  69. Good looking meal that I would like to enjoy at my lunch today.

  70. Looks delicious!
    I like trying out new recipes!

  71. This looks so good. I know my family would love this dish!

  72. Yummy I got to make these for my family

  73. I have never had these but they sure do look delicious!

  74. These Easy Cheesy Papa Rellenas look easy enough I could make them. The potatoes could be wrapped in foil & bake in the slow cooker all day if necessary. My family will love these!

  75. My whole family would like this

  76. This Recipe sounds so Delicious. I can't wait to make them. We all love baked potatoes.. To add these toppings make them that much more Yummier! Thank You for sharing your recipe

  77. This would be such a hit in our house. Im so excited to give this a try.

  78. I'd top it with salsa and guac.

  79. Good to know these are basically stuffed potatoes, it suddenly doesn't seem as hard to do! I've never made rellenas before, I'd love to try this.

  80. I love potatoes too! Looks delicious.

  81. I have never heard of this and goodness knows my husband is a meat and potatoes guy. It looks and sounds good. I migh have to give it a try.

  82. i have never heard of this either but it looks so good

  83. This looks delicious. I've got to try it. Thanks.

  84. This sounds really great--thanks for the recipe.

  85. I love rellenas and anything mexican of that sort. This post makes me want to go make them right now!

  86. Wow! This really does seem easy, quick, and yummy!

  87. I've never made these. I love how you can really make it with so many fillings.

  88. I made this and it turned out wonderful, thanks.

  89. This looks so yummy and I will have to try out the recipe :)

  90. I get so many great recipes for this blog. This one is one of my favorites.

  91. Our family loves potatoes! We love them baked, fried, boiled, raw, etc. with a lot of different toppings. So this recipe caught my eye right away! I think the only thing I would do differently is to not add the butter on top of the potatoes before I started to add the rest of the ingredients. That’s only because I think it make make the potato greasier and that is would take away from the cheesy flavor. I would play around with this yummy recipe! Of course, my family would be glad to throw their two cents in! Thank you for sharing!

  92. (Easy Cheesy Papa Rellenas Recipe) Now this is one meal that I know my husband would really enjoy having. I will have to make it for us sometime real soon.

  93. They sound so delicious! Definitely making this dish!

  94. This looks amazing and I can't wait to make these!

  95. You're making me homesick for El Paso!
