
Keep Your Baby's Diapers Close At Hand With Wuzzy

I received the items in the post for review. All opinions are my own. The post may contain affiliate links.
When we found out in November of 2016 that we were expecting (when we thought we were done having kiddos) we were so excited and shocked, but mostly excited. Shortly after the excitement came the quick panic of getting everything we needed for this new little one who would be arriving before we knew it. Our next youngest would be turning five shortly after the baby arrived so to say we were a bit removed from "baby items" items was an understatement. Oh, my goodness babies can require a lot of things. There are those big things like a crib and a car seat, but it's the small things I had forgotten about. All of the diapers, and wipes, and butt creams and.....the list goes on and on.

I was super excited to have the opportunity to receive the WUZZY Baby Diaper Caddy to help store all those little things. This caddy is made out of 100% felt and the best part, it's machine washable! I love all of the different compartments so that I can have all of the necessities on me whenever diaper changing time occurs. With it's gender-neutral colors this caddy is not only compact and light-weight but it's perfect for parents that don't know the sex of their baby yet. Currently, I have over 30 diapers, lotion, a comb, wipes (two packs), diaper rash cream, a nose syringe, hair bows, nail clippers and diaper bags in this caddy and there is plenty of room for more. The Wuzzy handles are an extra bonus. I can carry it up and down so that I don't need to keep a caddy on both levels, and it's easy for me to throw in the car when we go to visit grandparents!  When it comes to an amazing gift for mom's to be, this is one that should be added to the list. What is your go-to baby shower gift?


  1. First, it's great that it can be tossed in the washer--(I remember my niece, who was supposed to be napping, plundering through her diaper bag & opening EVERYTHING & squirting out EVERYTHING, lol.) And it's super cute. You could easily use it for other things after you no longer need a diaper caddy.

  2. I love this! I definitely would have loved to have one of these when mine were babies. :) Now it would make a great baby shower gift for one of my mommy friends, thanks for sharing!

  3. I don't have a baby at 63, but I would love this in Hubby's bathroom. It always looks so messy in there and this would help him organize his dtuff.

  4. that is so nice ,,my daughter has a new born and could use one of these

  5. I agree that this would be a great baby shower gift. And washable!!!
    slehan at juno dot com

  6. I could just as well use this for when I'm on the go with the dogs!

  7. The WUZZY Baby Diaper Caddy Is awesome. I love all the compartments it has. I also love the Neutral Gender look of it. My Favorite Go to shower Gift is Pretty Blankets and Baby Sleepers and Onsies..

  8. This is so nice. Great for going out with baby. I have a young friend who is expecting her first child. She would love this. Thank you so much for sharing

  9. I have never heard of the Wuzzy brand before. It looks like a nice Baby Diaper Caddy with lots of room.
