
Scrapper's Cove

When you first start scrapbooking, everything can be a little overwhelming. I remember thinking, "I don't have the tools for this!". You can start to feel like you need to buy out the crafting store every time you go, just to make a couple pages, but that's really not the case.
Even now after scrapbooking for several years, I will tell you there are 4 basic tools I use the majority of the time.

1. A really great cutter. 
My tip on buying a cutter, I don't think it matters so much what brand you buy. The main thing is make sure replacement blades are easy to find. I suggest buying a pack of replacements when purchasing your cutter. If you are going to be cutting a lot of card stock your blades will go dull fast.
2. Pair of Scissors.
Now remember what your mother taught you: No running with the Scissors!

3. Adhesive.
I personally love the rolling adhesive by Tombomono. Buy lots of refills of whatever you are going to use, you don't want to be in the middle of a project and run out.  NEVER use a glue stick on your pictures, this will make them curl. Basicly they will be ruined. Not speaking from personal experience, but let's just say it was sad. 

4. Crop-A-Dile.
Well, this might not be a necessity, but it sure is fun to have! There are so many uses for it. I won't even try to name them all. 

Just remember, you don't have to have a crafting store in your home to make an amazing scrapbook page. Whatever you make will be special, because it's made by you. Happy Scrapping!


  1. Thanks for the advice!!! Still need to get a great cutter... ;)

  2. Creative people don't have to be least that is what I tell myself!

  3. Thanks for the advice! I love to I just need to find some time :)

  4. I am so crafty, and have never tried this!! Thank you! There may be a first time for everything moment soon!

  5. I love scrapbooking! Great ideas and advice!

  6. My biggest problem is organization! And I'm a little bit of a hoarder when it comes to things I can use in a scrapbook!

  7. I don't have a Crop-A-Dile, but it looks like a must have for my scrapping. Thanks for the post :)

  8. I really want to start scrap booking but i'm not really sure where to start

    1. Hi Erin, Scrapbooking is a blast! I would start by picking what size book you would like to make, and go from there. There are lots of kits which are great for beginners, but the better value is to just buy things in the design and style you like! A good rolling adhesive is worth it's weight in gold. Happy Scrapping!

  9. Thanks for the advice! I LOVE looking in scrapbooking stores, but they are SO expensive. It's nice to know that all of that is not needed.

  10. Thanks for sharing! Now I actually have a better idea of what scrapbooking is too:)

  11. Great tips. It really can be overwhelming at first.

  12. Going to share this with my MIL, she wants to start scrapping.

  13. Thanks for the great tips! I get so overwhelmed when I start a new scrapbook

  14. Thank you for the great tips. I definitely needed to read this!!

  15. Thanks for the tips! I would love to get into scrapbooking.

  16. Me and my daughters love scrapbooking.

  17. This is true. I started 14 years ago and just bought one black acid free pen. But, I love new scrapper stuff. Then between you and me I always tell my husband-What a bargain it was. Even though I get so excited I rarely look at the price.

  18. My best friend is a great scrapbooker. I like looking at her books, but have never had the urge to do it myself.

    slehan at juno dot com

  19. this is a good list of things to get. i love scrapbooking

  20. Kimberley Thomas: I love scrapbooking but I am not very good at doing as nice a job as you!

  21. I'm not real crafty or creative but this review gives me hope that with all the steps and tips, I could get into scrapbooking.

  22. I'm not real crafty or creative but this review gives me hope that with all the steps and tips, I could get into scrapbooking.

  23. I don't scrapbook, but if you craft at all you do need a great pair of scissors!

  24. i do not do scrpe booking but i buy the stff for my duaghter to do with my grand son and then summer coming up and then she need something easy to do

  25. I like scrapbooking I used to really love to do it but havent lately. I also played around with digital scrapbooking

    ellen beck

  26. I've never heard of the rolling adhesive by Tombomono, I've only used a glue stick and hot glue gun for my scrapbook creations so far. I've not put any photographs on my creations, only computer printed images. I guess I haven't really been thinking long-term.

  27. Great tips! I didn't know you couldn't use a glue stick. I will have to make sure and share that with my daughter. Thanks!

  28. I did a little scrapbooking about a year ago and really could have used a good paper cutter. If I ever do more, I will definitely get one of these.

  29. Thanks for the tips, I've only done digital scrapping so far, so any advice is helpful!

  30. I have never done crafting before and I am sure I probably would like this scrapbooking if I did. I do make friendship bracelets with my boys and earrings that sort of thingy.

  31. Scrapbooking makes such wonderful places to go back and see our memories! Thanks for sharing!

  32. Scrapbooking is fun and your creations last forever

  33. I've never heard of rolling adhesive. I can think of lots of uses for that. Thanks for sharing!

  34. Oo Scrapbooking tips, I love it! I've always wanted to do scrapbooking but it felt like I never had time and now with two kids, I need to find time. It would be a nice to give to the kiddos when they are all grown up.

  35. I used to be an avid scrapbooker when I was younger, I saved everything from everywhere I went. But these days its hard because finding time is not so easy! But thank you for all your awesome tips!

  36. Thanks for the advise and great tips and have been wanting to get into scrapping hehe ;) thanks for share and great pics

  37. I have never crafted this could be fun

  38. Scrapbooking looks like a beautiful way to share memories with future generations. Not only that but love goes into making these gorgeous books. Thanks for sharing!

  39. I love scrapbooking it is so relaxing and I love creating them as gifts. Thanks for the great tips.

  40. You make it sound so easy- makes me kinda wish I'd gotten involved it scrapbooking. But the pages I see people do have all kinds of extra goodies on them and that stuff's pricey!

  41. I've thought about getting into scrapbooking as a way to preserve memories. Thanks for this list. It will be very useful to me.

  42. now this is cool thing, love to make it :)

  43. I promise not to run with the scissors.

    slehan at juno dot com

  44. I have the supplies but by the speed I am going I should have at least one done by the time my grand daughter graduates.

  45. I love crafting! Just wish I had more time!

  46. i have always wanted to do crafting and you make it look easy

  47. I wanna do this with my daughter

  48. I am a great cutter.

  49. Thanks for the tips, I would love to try scrapbooking but it truly is overwhelming to start. I have visited those aisles in the craft store and left with nothing because I didn't know where to start.

  50. I've been scrapbooking on and off. I think these tips will be helpful. Thanks!


  51. People do a lot of scrapbooking here in the South, it looks like fun.

  52. I wish I could be so crafty. I LOVE looking at photo albums and scrap books are the ultimate. I wish that I could do it. It is so much fun. I am very un-creative, but love that others have this gift.

  53. I love to scrap book, i have so much stuff,, i just need to find time and energy can't wait for winter!!

  54. My friend makes some lovely scrapbooks of her grandkids.

    slehan at juno dot com

  55. So much fun doing the scrapbooking and everyone enjoys looking at the books so much too. Love the tips they can help so much when making cards and scrapbooks.

  56. I've taken some card making classes but have never scrapbooked. Now that I have granddaughter, I may have to give it a try.

  57. I have been scrapbooking for a while but I just realized that I should always keep the 4 basic tools right at my side.

  58. My friends keep saying I need to do scrapbooking but I have no idea if I would have the finances for it! lol every time I'm in the hobby stores, the paper and stickers are soooo cute and I just wanna buy them all!! haha

  59. I have so many pictures and other things from places we have been a good place for them to be would be a scrap book

  60. Thanks for the tips! Now I just need to take the time to get started. First time for everything!

  61. Scrapbooking is a lot of fun but also a lot of work.

  62. I think now is the time to get my scrapbook together. I kept putting it off, but your ideas are definitely going to help out.

  63. You make it sound so much easier than I'm afraid it will be. 😬 Thank you for these tips. That's really smart about the cutter blades!

  64. These are all great to have, I have just started putting together some things for myself. I am still a newbie at all this but so far enjoying being able to make my own cards and so many other things.

  65. scapbooking is something I wanna do but haven't trired yet

  66. I wish I was more crafty. I might have to give scrapbooking a try.

  67. I have been scrap booking for years and then I just stopped. Your post encourages me to pick it up again. Thanks.

  68. I have never done scrape booking before but it looks like a relaxing hobby.

  69. I have never done scrapbooking, but I have to admit that I am pretty fascinated. I will have to take some tips from you!

  70. Remember scrapping does not have to be a chore, it should be a joy.

    slehan at juno dot com

  71. This is awesome. I love scrap-booking. I want to try this!

  72. My eldest daughter is a scrapbooker! She loves it! She has given some clever homemade photo books as gifts. It made for a nice personal gift. She gets her supplies from Hobby Lobby or Michael's stores. She makes sure that she always has a sharp cutter.

  73. Thanks for the great advice. I haven't gotten into scrapbooking yet but I see what you need to get started so thanks.

  74. I'd love to try scrapping. Thanks for posting!

  75. I am a beginner scrapbooker and there is so much out there it can be over welming at times, thanks for these ideas

  76. I just never seem to have time to scrapbook. I like it.When I was younger I sort of did it on my own with my pictures . I would cut words or pictures of things out of magazines and post with my pictures.

  77. Thank you for all the great information. I'm not able to do this but my daughter and granddaughter both are starting to and now I can share this with them. Thank you

  78. These are some great tips. All the supplies can be overwhelming & intimidating.

  79. love the tips, I have not started scrapping but want to in the near future !
    Linda Marie Finn

  80. I don't scrapbook, at least not the way its done now. There are so many amazing tools that really take scrapbooking to another level.

  81. i have lot pal and then i do not do scraping but i do the cards and then the thing combined

  82. These are great tips for scrapbooking. I would like to start doing this for my grandchildren. Thanks for the post.

  83. I have often debated scrapbooking. I have an aunt that does it & seems to enjoy it. I love looking at all the project papers at the craft store & perhaps one of these days I will try my hand at it. Thanks for the info!

  84. Great tips. I love to do scrapbooking. I did it a lot more when my child was younger and have lost touch. I should get back into it!

  85. Thank you so much for this post! You're so right, just a walk into our craft store has me thinking I need one of everything in all sizes and colors. I did just upgrade my paper cutter and I'm so very glad I did. I'd say it's my favorite tool for paper crafting.

  86. I need to get a cutter, but otherwise I have quite the collection of craft stuff.

  87. I used to scrapbook as a child and then again when my children were growning up. I wish I had had the beautiful materials to work with back then.

  88. Thanks so much, I have found that with my planner some scrapbooking tips are good to incorporate into dashboards and things.

  89. Ive just begun paper crafting and scrapbooking. Love these tips!

  90. I have just started scrapbooking, thank you very much for tips and the checklist.

  91. I haven't scrapbooked in years. You can say I was a bit overwhelmed and found out I could digital scrapbook and print out the pages or just store them online. Scrapbooking is so much fun!

  92. ilove scrap thing and i have room full of the stuff and keep it alot

  93. I like how you just started with the basic tools and simplified it. I sometimes don't start because it feels to complicated to get started so this is helpful.

  94. I don't scrapbook but all these ideas may have me rethinking this and give it a try! TY

  95. Scrapbooking is so therapeutic and calming😊

  96. Gosh u make everything look so nice and easy. I have tried scrapping about 5 times in the last 2 years and I just can't make it look like I visualize I'm my brain

  97. I have not scrapbooked before and although I am not not creative this seems like something I can do. I want to do this and save pics and things from my kids childhood.

  98. My mother was a huge scrapbooker. I recently took up the art and find your article very interesting. I have been putting together some family albums and thank you for the advice.

  99. Like everything I do in my life, I always feel like I forgot or needed something! Since I’ve been home a lot going crazy, I thought I would try doing scrapbooking. My oldest daughter did it for years. Thank you for your list so at least I can start off the right way! I hope I have the patience and dedication that my daughter did!

  100. Thanks for the tips. My mom is really crafty and scrapbooks a lot. I've thought about trying it.

  101. Thanks for the tips. My mom is really crafty and scrapbooks a lot. I've thought about trying it.

  102. I have never tried scrapbooking .Thanks for the tips! It looks like fun!

  103. Thank you for the inspiration...I ahve had so much Scrapbooking supplys in storage time to break them out and start putting them to good use!

  104. I've always wanted to start scrap booking, thanks for the info.

  105. Thanks for the great tips! I really love scrap booking and just finished a little book with some family photos and favorite sayings in it.

  106. When I was younger we did decorative things with photo albums similar to what they now call scrapbooking. It was fun . We'd scan thru magazines for pictures or words we would use . Back then that was a cheap way of doing it.

  107. I love scrapbooking. I just haven't had time for it. This inspired me to find time and pull out all my supplies.
