?Mystery Ingredient?

I'm not always good about eating enough fruit and veggies. Alright, that's a huge understatement. I don't eat enough! Tonight for supper, I was making pasta, and I decided to try something I had heard about. I added a can of pumpkin to our sauce, and you know what? We didn't even notice. At first I wanted to think it was sweeter than normal, but I think it was just because I wanted it to taste different. As always we thought it was yummy. Now, I've found another way to sneak some extra goodness into something my family already loves to eat. Do you have ways you sneak healthy foods into things you love to eat?


  1. We buy veggie pasta, like Wacky Mac, and make spaghetti and other pasta dishes with it. It's made from veggies, hush now!! ...the kids don't know, Lol. They love it and most of the time ask for seconds. And I love it because they get all the veggie goodness they need!! ;^)

  2. Try to sneak in veggies in our spaghetti too! Also a scoop of the ground flaxseed into sauces adds Omega's without a change in taste. Now I know what to do with all that pumpkin that in our freezer... great idea. ;)

  3. I think this is a really good idea! Since we love spaghetti already this will be an easy way to add veggies into our diet.

  4. I add spinach into my smoothies in the mornings. Changes the color but you can't even taste it! My kids like it too :)

  5. I love this idea - I have a super picky son and am always looking for ways to get healthier foods into his diet!

  6. This is a great idea!~ I'm going to try it! Thanks!


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