Deep Dive Into Shark Facts with National Geographic Kids SHARKFEST Giveaway!

 I received the titles mentioned below in exchange for this post. This post contains affiliate links. All views and opinions here reflect those of my own. The sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment. 
Every July we turn our attention to the fascinating creatures of the sea for a week of shark fun. This past week we've done a deep dive into all things sharks but the learning doesn't have to stop! National Geographic Kids has the books to keep you and your kids engaged in shark exploration all summer long. Check out five fin-tastic titles full of shark knowledge nuggets, plus enter the giveaway for a chance to win the SHARKFEST prize package. 

Finding the Perfect Backpack for College

 This post is in partnership with Responsival. All views and opinions here reflect those of my own. 

When you're a senior in high school all of your time seems to lead to graduation but when graduation day arrives you're surprised at how fast it all went. At least that's how I felt on my graduation day. Even with prepping for college, the reality of moving on beyond high school hit at my graduation party. I received a lot of heartfelt gifts, cards, cash, and a few needed items. One gift I received at my graduation party was a book bag that would become my favorite gift as it made me smile amid the stressful days of rushing from class to class. Having the right backpack for college can help set you up for success from day one. Here are a few ideas to think about when shopping for your own backpack for college or when shopping for a new graduate. 

Dig Into The Joy of Gardening With New Book THE SOIL IN JACKIE'S GARDEN

This post is in partnership with Publicity Prose. All views and opinions here reflect those of my own. This post contains affiliate links, by clicking and making a purchase I may receive a commission. The sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment.
National Garden Week may have already passed but my kids are always ready to test out their green thumb and learn more about plants and what makes them grow. As a homeschooling family, we believe that learning doesn't stop just because the seasons change. A few years ago, our son asked for a composter for his birthday. We were amused by his wish, but it was practical and would help cut down on our waste going to a landfill so my parents bought one for him. He quickly started observing how things would break down and would give us daily reports on what his compost looked like. I loved his passion for observational learning!  I'm pleased to introduce you to a newly published children's book about gardening from seasoned author Peggy Thomas. Feed your child's curiosity with this new engaging book The Soil In Jackie's Garden, it's packed with STEM facts about gardening! Take a peek inside the pages and watch the trailer below, then be sure to enter the giveaway for a chance to win. 

Based On A Remarkable True Story ORDINARY ANGELS In Theaters February 23rd!

 This post is sponsored by Elementa Associates, all views and opinions here reflect those of my own. 

Watching the news these days and hearing the negative things happening in the world I can feel myself tense up with anxiety and begin to feel overwhelmed. So when I heard about a positive movie coming to theaters with an inspiring story it caught my attention. Then I learned that Ordinary Angels was based on a true story it made me smile. Maybe I'm becoming softer in my older age of 42, or because I've experienced the hardship of medical bills, but I cried when I caught my first glimpse of the Ordinary Angels trailer. What would the world look like if we all used our energy to help others? Learn more about this film coming to theaters on Friday, February 23, watch the trailer and enter the giveaway below!

Blogger Opportunity: 2024 Blogger Talk Cash Event Sign Up


Join us for our 2024 Cash Giveaway Events! New this year, we will be capping our events at only 10 participating cohosts, so grab your spot now, because when we reach 10, sign-ups will close! Plus, pay for all 4 events and get a discount and VIP on our hops! 

Hosts: The Kids Did It and The Mommy Island Prize: $100 PayPal Cash. (If participation is low we will lower the prize amount) Giveaways are open WW. Dates: September-December from the 1st through 30th-31st. Gain exposure to your Etsy shop, blog, or book(s) and grow your social media!

Blogger Opportunity: December Giveaway Hop Sign Up


Let It Snow! Giveaway Hop runs December 7th at 12:00 am ET through December 28th at 11:59 pm ET! All bloggers are invited to join us for this event with no theme and no prize minimum! All of our hops have no theme or minimum, but most center around a holiday. You can easily choose a giveaway from your gift guides (Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Back To School, Holiday) to feature in the hops for extra attention to your guides. 

Blogger Opportunity: November Giveaway Hop Sign Up


Super Stocking Stuffer Hop runs November 9 at 12:00 am ET through November 30 at 11:59 pm ET! All bloggers are invited to join us for this event with no theme and no prize minimum! All of our hops have no theme or minimum, but most center around a holiday. You can easily choose a giveaway from your gift guides (Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Back To School, Holiday) to feature in the hops for extra attention to your guides. 

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