Day 2~ My frame of mind was more determined today. I can do it. I will do it. I will have the will power!

  • Breakfast was a Chocolate Protein Shake. Much better than yesterday!
  • At about 10 am I had a glass of iced coffee.Mmmmmm.
  • 11:30 am I had ate a RE*Body Hunger Chew thinking we would have our lunch sometime soon.
  • 12:30 my son came in asking for, " nummy nummy" his word for yummy food. I fixed him something to eat. Thinking I would eat a little later, since I was in the middle of typing a post for my blog. :-D
  • Forgot Lunch. Seriously. I forgot to eat. My husband called me from work to tell me he was going to be home sooner than planned, so I would know in case I wanted to start supper earlier. 
  • I went to the kitchen to fix our supper, and realized...I didn't eat lunch. I'm not advocating skipping meals. I don't think I've ever forgot to eat in my life. I've fasted before for religious or medical reasons. I remember thinking it was going to kill me. Today, I just forgot. Wow. 
  • 4:30 pm  I fixed homemade chili and popped in a hunger chew before eating. I had one bowl of chili, then went back for another. Even while I was dipping my second bowl I thought I don't really need this. I ate most of the second bowl. Then I felt over-full. Miserable. I hate feeling bloated and stuffed.
  • I didn't eat any evening snacks, since I was overstuffed from supper. I did drink some juice and water.
  • I didn't get in any exercise besides a little housework. I felt today was a success for drinking more water and juice. I don't usually drink much of any liquid except coffee, so that was a good change. 
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   So far I feel the RE*BODY Hunger Chews are helping me keep my cravings at bay. I think I've noticed that if I eat the Chew awhile before I'm actually wanting to eat, it helps me feel satisfied.That way I don't keep thinking about food. If you are interested in learning more about RE*BODY Hunger Chews or would like to purchase them visit here.
To learn more about the whole RE*BODY product line visit

(To do this review I was given (1) 30 count package of RE*BODY Hunger Chews) While the product was free to me, I have not been compensated in any form for any statements made above or in the past or future. 
All views and opinions are my own.

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